Our Partners
Our partners work with us in many different ways. They help provide finances, training, coaching and open us up to new ideas and opportunities. It is the partnerships that we have which are helping us create The ELI Project into an effective process for developing the next generation of church planters and multipliers.
Polish Christian Ministries
PCM exists to help Polish Christians in becoming healthy, growing, self-supporting, and reproducing congregations. Church Planting in the Polish context is their passion and their joy. They have served alongside of our churches since 1954 and been instrumental in helping start and establish new churches. Under the leadership of Dave Hatfield, PCM has supported The Emerging Leaders Internship since its inception and is actively working to find new ministries and partnerships to help The ELI Project find effective trainers and financial partnerships.
For more information on Polish Christian Ministries please visit their website at: www.pcmusa.org